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Suffolk County Bowls Association


New regulations regarding Data Protection came into force in May 2018. These regulations require SCBA to let Members know what personal details are held and what can happen with this information.

SCBA collects and stores Members’ names, addresses, phone numbers, email addresses, dates of birth (where relevant for specific age-related County Competition entries) and the Bowls Clubs to which Members are affiliated. These details will be securely stored in paper form and on computers installed with anti-virus software and log-in controls. They may be supplied to registered officers of SCBA and used by them for the running of competitions and bowling activities. They may be supplied to national bowls governing bodies (EWBF and EBF) when appropriate, but they will not be supplied to any other person or organisation.

Club Secretaries are asked annually to agree to the storage and use of their Club Members’ personal details by registered Officers of SCBA and to agree to their own personal details being published in the SCBA County Handbook for the following season.

Photographs taken at SCBA events may be published in the SCBA County Handbook, in the local press and on the SCBA website. Members’ names and Bowls Clubs may be printed but no other personal details will be disclosed.